How to handle programming tools.

Many are the tools that have been created by programmers for programmers, we tend to have very specific tastes when it come to languages, paradigms, text editors and IDES that it is hard to track the really useful tools. But after reading this chapter I can deduct that there are some tools that never get old, vi, emacs, are the ones that stand the curse of time the better, but there are also new tools that are worth mention. For example atom, and sublime text can be very powerful on their own and can handle many kinds of language while keeping the simple plain text for everyone to use, even better atom already comes with source code control integrated in the form of github. Github tracks the files you are working on and  keeps track of the changes you make to said files. pgcif7h


Hunt, Andrew, and David Thomas. “The Pragmatic Programmer.” Addison Wesley 15

Author: enroblog

Computer science student at ITESM

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